About Me

my picture

My name is Cheriti Mossab Diaeddine

you can call me mossab or dia

“ I'm a software developer passionate about everything tech ... I've always loved computers (and cats). ”

My journey

2014 : Harvard’s CS50x Introduction to computer science

Was a high-school student, felt so excited compiling my first line of code (C lang).

2015 : Linux all the way

Switched to Linux as my main OS , over the years I built a solid understanding of using and managing a Linux based OS .

2015 (fall) : Got into Pharmacy school

Judging by the availability of online resources for computer science from great institutions, I decided to be a self-taught developer and to dedicate university to study my second passion : life sciences and pharmacy .

2020 : Python19

During COVID-19’s lockdown I started learning python, later that year I took MIT’s 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python.

Also enrolled in Udacity’s Data Analysis track where I learned how relational Databases work and how to interact with them (cert).

2021 : Putting Python into action

My Doctoral Dissertation involved doing a retrospective study of children’s acute poisoning cases from 2015-2020 in Oran city , the data suffered many problems and typos as it was manually entered by residents at the toxicology service of Oran’s University Hospital Center , I used Python’s pandas and regex library to clean and extract information then plotted it with matplotlib .

While doing my internship at the local Hospital Pharmacy I noticed that they had to manually fill a Microsoft word template table to make requests for new drugs , so I crafted a simple web-page interface with Bootstrap and vanilla JavaScript that uses HTML forms to generate print ready PDF files , the staff appreciated it. Preview and case study here

2021 (fall) : I want to Build the Web !

Finishing with Pharmacy, I swung into full gear on deepening my understanding of web technologies , took Harvard CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript where I discovered and fell in love with Django framework .

That’s when i realized that Backend development is the right fit for me , dealing with databases , implementing web-applications' logic then deploying to and managing Linux systems all while taking care of security implications , music to my ears.

Interests & Hobbies

When not programming , I enjoy learning languages (currently learning Japanese) , cooking , tinkering with Electronics and teaching things I know by breaking them into small, easy to understand chunks for others.

I'm growing interest in startups , indie hacking and entrepreneurship in general. I'm also interested in using technology to help transform science research into real world solutions for our health and environment.

Oh you made it this far !

Seriously , I appreciate your interest in reading about my journey , you have an idea and think I can help ? I'm open for discussion and new connections : Contact