2014 : Harvard’s CS50x Introduction to computer science
Was a high-school student, felt so excited compiling my first line of code (C lang).
2015 : Linux all the way
Switched to Linux as my main OS , over the years I built a solid understanding of using and managing a Linux based OS .
2015 (fall) : Got into Pharmacy school
Judging by the availability of online resources for computer science from great institutions, I decided to be a self-taught developer and to dedicate university to study my second passion : life sciences and pharmacy .
2020 : Python19
During COVID-19’s lockdown I started learning python, later that year I took MIT’s 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python.
Also enrolled in Udacity’s Data Analysis track where I learned how relational Databases work and how to interact with them (cert).
2021 : Putting Python into action
My Doctoral Dissertation involved doing a retrospective study of children’s acute poisoning cases from 2015-2020 in Oran city , the data suffered many problems and typos as it was manually entered by residents at the toxicology service of Oran’s University Hospital Center , I used Python’s pandas and regex library to clean and extract information then plotted it with matplotlib .
While doing my internship at the local Hospital Pharmacy I noticed that they had to manually fill a Microsoft word template table to make requests for new drugs , so I crafted a simple web-page interface with Bootstrap and vanilla JavaScript that uses HTML forms to generate print ready PDF files , the staff appreciated it. Preview and case study here
2021 (fall) : I want to Build the Web !
Finishing with Pharmacy, I swung into full gear on deepening my understanding of web technologies , took Harvard CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript where I discovered and fell in love with Django framework .
That’s when i realized that Backend development is the right fit for me , dealing with databases , implementing web-applications' logic then deploying to and managing Linux systems all while taking care of security implications , music to my ears.