Install Jenkins in Linux Using Docker

Jenkins is a powerful open source automation server used for building, deploying and automating projects, in this tutorial we’ll see how to setup its docker image in a Linux box.

Why using Docker ?

My main goal was to experiment with Jenkins , so I needed a quick way to run and stop the server occasionally without worrying about auto-starting services , Docker seemed like a hassle-free solution .


  1. I also installed Jenkins using apt and didn’t notice any difference in terms of performance compared to Docker
  2. This is a simplified installation , if your Jenkins projects need to run Docker containers you have to use Docker in Docker instead , refer to docs .

Prepare working directory

To keep things organized , we’ll create a directory for our configuration files and mounted volumes .

mkdir jenkins
cd jenkins

Get Jenkins docker image

docker pull jenkins/jenkins:alpine

Notice that we’re using the :alpine version , your disk storage will thank you .

Set the docker-compose file

Inside the project’s directory , create a new file docker-compose.yml with the following content :


version: "3.9"
                image: jenkins/jenkins:alpine
                container_name: jenkins
                        - 8080:8080
                        - 50000:50000
                        - ./volumes:/var/jenkins_home

This configuration file has instructions on how to start the Jenkins docker container , mainly there are four settings:

  • image : which image to use , we’re using the image we pulled in the previous step
  • container_name : naming the resulting container so we can easily interact with it later (stop, re-run, .. etc)
  • ports : mapping ports from the container to our host machine ports , the 8080 port it the most important as we’ll use it later to access Jenkins server from the browser. (50000 is used for communication between multiple Jenkins instances , nice to set , but we don’t need it now )
  • volumes : any configuration data created by Jenkins is lost after restarting the container (due to Docker’s containers being stateless) , to achieve Persistence we instruct Docker to map the content of Jenkins configuration folder (inside the container) /var/jenkins_home to a local folder in our machine ./volumes that persist between container restarts.

You’ll need docker-compose to use the configuration file:

Check if docker-compose exists in your system using docker-compose --version if command not found , install docker compose:

# get binary and save it in /usr/local/bin
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

# make binary executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Let’s Run it

make sure you’re in the project directory where we have the docker-compose.yml file , then start the container : docker-compose up

The first time I encountered a volume permission problem The volume folder was created but with wrong permissions

fixing permissions and restarting container :

sudo chown 1000 volumes/

docker-compose up

Check the logs and take note of the generated password , you’ll need it during setup.

Access Jenkins

Since we mapped ports form container to our host machine , we can access Jenkins from the browser the first time you’ll be prompted to enter the generated password from previous step

After installing recommended plugins you can set an admin user.

Congratulation !

Note that docker-compose created a container with our settings , next time all you need is to run the container to get the Jenkins server ready , let’s try that:

Switch to the terminal and stop the container using Ctrl+C

You don’t need to be in the docker-compose.yml directory for this to work.

# go home directory
cd ~

# (optional) list containers , you'll see jenkins
docker container ls -a

# start jenkins container
docker start jenkins

Try to access from the browser Welcome to Jenkins !